THINK OUTSIDE THE MINE: Your Water or Your Life
4th Annual Uranium Documentary Film Festival
Kawaika Center Theater
22 Bay Tree Rd., Paraje, NM 87007
July 15 and July 17
Wednesday, July 15 • 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Two Films:
- Blue Gold a documentary about the increasing precious commodity of water and the struggle to control it
- Crying Earth Rise Up is a film about a Lakota woman as she searches for the source of the uranium contaminated water that caused her daughter’s critical health problems.
Panel discussion to follow on Water and Cultural Resources impacted by uranium mining
Friday, July 17 • 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Two Films:
- Tailings a short film about the failed clean up of a toxic heap of uranium waste and tailings in Bluewater, NM.
- Yellow Fever is a documentary examining the cost of cheap energy and the potential future of the industry seen through the eyes of a young Navajo woman affected by uranium mining.
Panel discuss onto follow on current Environmental and Health Legacy issues
Sponsored by Laguna-Acoma Coalition for a Safe Environment, Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund and Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment