How did your senators and representatives vote on conservation issues?
Find out in CVNM’s annual Conservation Scorecard.
In the last two sessions, our legislators took many important votes – including those to uphold renewable energy and efficiency standards, water quality protections and defeat a measure that would have allowed polluting companies and sprawl developments to get discounted utility rates – subsidies paid for by working families, like yours and mine.
In the Scorecard, we report the votes cast on the most critical issues affecting our air, land, and water during the 2013 and 2014 legislative sessions, as well as an evaluation of Gov. Susana Martinez’s environmental record.
Scorecards are a clear and comprehensive tool for you to learn how you are being represented on issues that matter to you. This is your opportunity to find out if your elected officials are voting your conservation values at the state capital.
The first step to getting solid conservation policies passed is letting your legislators know that you’re paying attention.
We will continue to fight policies that sacrifice the best interests of our communities and future generations of New Mexicans — and hold legislators accountable for how their actions affect our communities.
Visit our fully interactive online Scorecard at, find out how your legislators’ voted on conservation issues and let the know what you think.
CVNM is the only state-based environmental organization in New Mexico that spends the majority of our time and funds lobbying for pro-conservation policies, as well as engaging citizens in the political process and holding our elected officials accountable.